Sunday, December 23, 2007

Time to Eat, Drink and Re-Marry!

Its the night before the night before Christmas Day. It'll soon be all over. Why am I never ready on time? As usual there are dozens more things to do tomorrow than I can fit in the day and I'm exhausted before it all begins!

Having said that, I do love the run up to Christmas. The glitter, excitement and warm fuzzy feelings towards family and friends.

I have not had the time or energy to write for a while, but to anyone who is concerned, I am doing fine. Cheerful again, and getting better every day. It has taken a while to get over the havoc the hormones created - my muscles are still very stiff and achy and I have trigger thumbs, but I am told this will disappear in time and I should be able to get back to work eventually without having to ask my son in law to change films for me and having to lie down for two days after I do!

It's so good to look back to this time last year when I was in the middle of chemo. I practically had to be propped up at the Christmas Dinner table with weepy eyes and feeling like a bag of cement.

We are all off to Mass's mum's as we take it in turns each year.

Here I am with my darling Auntie Amy - 6 months away from her telegram from the Queen! Last year I wasn't well enough to attend her carol service at St Luke's - the old people's home, where she lives, but today just got there in time in spite of the thick fog most of the way to Oxford.
I rushed in and found a seat waiting for me next to Amy. Her blue eyes lit up when she saw me, and, after engulfing her in a huge hug and returning the dental plate with several teeth on it to its owner in the next seat, I sat down and joined in the carols with gusto. Whenever I think I'm getting old I remind myself that Auntie Amy is 35 years older than me and happier than when she was 18. She is cheerful, grateful and never complains and everyone adores her.

There have been three new diagnosis of breast cancer in my immediate circle. Anyone who is brave enough to look at my early writings - you have to go back to earlier posts as this journal runs backwards. may find it helpful. There's no need to be afraid to look, and I hope you will find my journey comforting and the great experience that I have. Apart from the 10 day terror at the beginning when I was diagnosed, I have found a way through it all with love and support from all sorts of directions.

Wintershall Nativity was as magical as ever. The tiny foundling baby who was born in prison, about 6 weeks ago, was wrapped in swaddling clothes this year - unlike last year when the baby wore a white Mothercare all in one with a hood!

Below are photos of Mia's dancing school production - as an orphan in Little Annie. With the Bishop of London at her confirmation and Ruth and co skating at Kew Gardens.

Not going to say much more or I will be even later for Christmas. Just want to wish you a wonderful time - Spread as much love around as you can . Eat, Drink and Re-marry! I leave you with a few pics which have accumulated since last writing . Happy Christmas and God bless all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good evening

Awesome post, just want to say thanks for the share